Pet sitting Rugvica
Found 464 pet sitters
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Katarina-Lidija G.
Katarina-Lidija G.
- Document verified
Ljubiteljica životinja s puno iskustva i ljubavi prema čuvanju kućnih ljubimaca! Oduvijek uživam u društvu pasa, mačaka i drugih kućnih ljubimaca te razumijem koliko je važno da...
Barbara B.
Barbara B.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Since I have three indoor cats and taking care of stray cats, I'm responsible and know how to take care of animals. I treat my cats as I would treat friends (or probably even be...
Valentina P.
Valentina P.
- Document verified
Ja sam Valentina i oduvijek sam voljela životinje. Imala sam papige, ribice, pse, mačke, štakora i trenutno imam zamorca. Mogu čuvati Vašeg ljubimca kod sebe doma, šetati se s ...
Alexandra T.
Alexandra T.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Dear pet owners, welcome to my profile:) I’m a 29 year old half Greek half German medical student. I’ve been living in Zagreb for the past 4,5 years. I have been raised among do...
Kristina J.
Kristina J.
- Covid-19 vaccine
I have previous experience taking for my dogs and cats. I can take your dog in wlaks, feed your pets and play with them.
Dostupna sam tijekom cijelog tjedna.