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What people are saying about pet-sitters



27 years

Anamaria je dolazila čuvati našeg micka 8 dana dok smo bili izvan Hrvatske. Budući da smo otišli na medeni mjesec, htjeli smo se u potpunosti opustiti

— Martina


19 years

Antinija je ljubazna i odgovorna osoba u koju možete imati potpuno povjerenje. Brinula se o naše dvije mačke i upozorila nas kada je jedna od njih pok

— Alicja


30 years

I can highly recommend Iva! She took care of my 16-year-old poodle for a couple of days. I was very hesitant to leave him with anyone. Once I talked t

— Andrea


59 years

Nataša je najbolja čuvalica s kojom sam do sada ostavila svog Goffija. Osjećala sam se jako sigurno ostaviti svog psa na čuvanju 9 dana s Natašom. Jak

— Mihaela

You dog or cat will no longer be alone

Are you going away for the weekend and need someone to take care of your pet? Are you at work for a long time and don't manage to take the dog for a walk?

Find pet sitter who lives near you. 👶 🧹 🐶

The sitters for dogs and cats

At you will find a care-giver for your dogs or other pets. Whether you are looking for care during your holiday (not every dog is able to manage dog hotel or dog walking when you have to stay at work for a long time.

There are already pet sitters in every larger city. You can simply start your search with pet care Zagreb or pet care Split or enter the name of your town in the search box above.

An important part people care about before dog or other pet care is safety.

Therefore, have their own Verification Centres , three levels of online verification and above all, ratings from other users. And for your complete calm, every booked babysitting or dog walking is insured.

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