- 22 years
- Pula
- 5 users have already contacted her
- Activity 2 days ago
- Response time: 1 hour
- Gimazija Dante Alighieri Pula
- Juraj Dobrila Filozifski fakultet Pula, predškolski odgoj na talijanskom jeziku
- cleaning windows

Emma F.
15 €/hour
- 22 years
She passed document verification (ID or DL)
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About me
I clean my home daily and have experience cleaning apartments, hotels, as well as the interiors of boats and yachts. I particularly value cleanliness and orderliness and pay great attention to detail. At your place, I will vacuum, clean the floors, and dust all surfaces. Additionally, I will clean the kitchen and bathroom using disinfectants. I work carefully and in an organized manner, using your cleaning products and adapting to your preferences and needs.
Slobodna sam ujutro ali mozde i popodne
Current calendar is not availaible
Tečno govorim hrvatski, engleski i talijanski jezik. Španjolski i njemački dobro razumijem, a iako mi govorne vještine još nisu na istoj razini, kontinuirano radim na njihovom usavršavanju.
Where clean:
Primary city: Pula, Istarska županija » Pula
Where am I available too?: Križanci, Istarska županija
Ovisno o poslu dolazit ću na mjesto gdje treba😊