Babysitting Zadar
Found 49 sitters
Choose a sitter in Zadar. On each profile you can take a look at the level of verification of the sitter, read about her experience and, above all, find out how other parents evaluate her.

Viktoria G.
Viktoria G.
- Document verified
I graduated from high school of economics in Novska and attend the University of Zadar majoring in culture and tourism. I have experience in working with children, I worked in a...

Manuela Ž.
Manuela Ž.
I am currently studying in Zadar, but I am from Trogir. Children have never been a problem for me, no meeter of their age. I have a two sisters one of 14-year and another 4-year...

Mihaela S.
Mihaela S.
- Document verified
Završila sam srednju ekonomsku školu u Splitu. Sada studiram predškolski odgoj u Zadru. Već duži niz godina posvećena sam čuvanju djece, uz čuvanje brata i obiteljskih prijatelj...

Martina K.
Martina K.
- Covid-19 vaccine
Završila sam Učiteljski fakultet u Zagrebu. Učiteljica sam razredne nastave u osnovnoj školi. Volim djecu, izvlačim iz rukava razne aktivnosti i igre.

Uglavnom sam dostupna cijeli tjedan, ovisno o obvezama.