Babysitting Klinča Sela

Found 341 sitters

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Ana P.

8 €/hour
  • 2 years experience
  • 24 years
  • Zagreb

Ana P.

8 €/hour

I am studying violin at the Music academy Zagreb (but currently pausing due to tendon inflammation) and my goal is to also apply for psychology studies. I have experience workin...

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Klaudija D.

6 €/hour
  • 2 years experience
  • 18 years
  • Ježdovec

Klaudija D.

6 €/hour

Dear parents! My name is Klaudija and I am attending medical school for midwives. I have experience with babysitting because I have a young brother and sister and I babysit on a...

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Lukrecija L.

5 €/hour
  • 5 years experience
  • 54 years
  • Zagreb

Lukrecija L.

5 €/hour

I graduated comparative literature and philosophy. Love to work with children - have excellent results with literature especialy. Love to read, going to theater and movies. Olso...

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Ružica A.

10 €/hour
  • 15 years experience
  • 40 years
  • Zagreb

Ružica A.

10 €/hour

I graduetet in Germany pedagogy and after the graduation i worked in a kindergarten and after in the primary school. I am waiting for my new job which starts 1.9.

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Sanja M.

8 €/hour
  • 2 years experience
  • 21 years
  • Zagreb

Sanja M.

8 €/hour
  • Document verified

am a second-year student at the Faculty of Law in Zagreb (Social Work). I'm 20 years old. I worked as a nanny in a kindergarten. I'm very communicative, patient, creative and op...

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Ema B.

8 €/hour
  • 4 years experience
  • 22 years
  • Zagreb

Ema B.

8 €/hour
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Document verified

Trrenutno završavam studij na Ekonomskom fakultetu u Zagrebu. Iskustva u čuvanju imam zahvaljujući tome što sam najstarija od nas četvero, ali već 4 godine čuvam djecu i kod obi...

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Korina R.

5 €/hour
  • 18 years
  • Zaprešić

Korina R.

5 €/hour
  • Document verified

Trenutno studiram sociologiju na Filozofskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, a završila sam opći smjer Gimnazije Lucijana Vranjanina. Volontirala sam u Ženskoj sobi u sklopu pr...

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Filip Š.

5 €/hour
  • 22 years
  • Zagreb

Filip Š.

5 €/hour
  • Document verified

Završio sam srednju školu (Poštanska i telekomunikacijska) smjer tehničar za PT promet. Jako sam komunikativna osoba koja vježba i radi na sebi, samim time mogao bih provoditi v...

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Nikolina M.

10 €/hour
  • 3 years experience
  • 26 years
  • Zagreb

Nikolina M.

10 €/hour
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Document verified

Prvostupnica sam Ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja i u potrazi sam za kikačima s kojima bih provodila dane u igri i veselju. Dosad imam ponajviše iskustva u radu s dje...

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Ana M.

10 €/hour
  • 10 years experience
  • 28 years
  • Zagreb

Ana M.

10 €/hour
  • Document verified

Dragi roditelji, moje ime je Ana nalazim se na Trešnjevci i nudim usluge povremenog čuvanja Vašeg djeteta u blizini tramvaja 4, 5, 9, 12, 14, 17. Strpljiva sam, volim se mašto...

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Ivanka K.

8 €/hour
  • 7 years experience
  • 59 years
  • Zaprešić

Ivanka K.

8 €/hour
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Document verified

Majka dvoje odrasle djece,brinula o unuci sedam godina.Volim djecu,a i ona vole mene.Savjesna sam,odgovorna i strpljiva osoba.Volim kretanje,šetnje u prirodi i sport.Vrlo sam ak...

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Vanessa E.

10 €/hour
  • 32 years experience
  • 51 years
  • Zagreb

Vanessa E.

10 €/hour
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Document verified

Bok, Ja sam Vanessa ako želiš da vaše dijete nauči još jedan jezik ja sam iz Italije i mogu ga naučiti😃 Možete me kontaktirati za čuvanje vaše djece...otići po njih u

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Lucija N.

7 €/hour
  • 7 years experience
  • 23 years
  • Zagreb

Lucija N.

7 €/hour
  • Document verified

Završila sam 3. godinu na Učiteljskom fakultetu za Rani i predškolski odgoj i obrazovanje. Trenutno radim u dječjoj igraonici te na Apsolventskoj godini završavam još par predme...

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Ana B.

8 €/hour
  • 3 years experience
  • 25 years
  • Samobor

Ana B.

8 €/hour
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Document verified

My name is Ana, I am 24 years old and I offer occasional babysitting services on the weekends and during the week in the afternoons as needed. I am a qualified kindergarden teac...

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Iva A.

6 €/hour
  • 2 years experience
  • 27 years
  • Zagreb

Iva A.

6 €/hour
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Document verified

Dear parents, my name is Iva and I am looking for a job as a nanny. I'm a student about to graduate and I have 2 years of experience regularly looking after the children of acqu...

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