Babysitting Oborovo

Found 314 sitters

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Elvira V.

7 €/hour
  • 7 years experience with babysitting
  • 43 years
  • Zagreb

Elvira V.

7 €/hour
  • Document verified

Pozdrav svima, Pozdravlja vas majka 7 godisnje djevojcice, koje se vole druziti, upoznavati nove prijatelje i uciti kroz zabavu. Mislim da je ovo idealna prilika spojiti ugodno ...

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Helena H.

8 €/hour
  • 5 years experience with babysitting
  • 44 years
  • Zagreb

Helena H.

8 €/hour

-Dugogodišnje iskustvo u radu s djecom kao plesni pedagog i koreograf. Također sam radila i kao asistent u nastavi te vodila razne igraonice i rođendanske proslave. Povremeno ču...

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Ivana Đ.

9 €/hour
  • 5 years experience with babysitting
  • 22 years
  • Zagreb

Ivana Đ.

9 €/hour
  • Covid-19 vaccine

I attend the Faculty of Croatian Studies where I study psychology. I have always worked with children from volunteering, babysitting and I even worked at a school for a short ti...

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Paula B.

8 €/hour
  • 1 year experience with babysitting
  • 22 years
  • Zagreb

Paula B.

8 €/hour
  • Covid-19 vaccine

I love working with children and have a lot of experience through my practice at the Faculty of Education. I am patient, creative, and responsible. I know how to adapt to their ...

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Lana Č.

6.5 €/hour
  • 2 years experience with babysitting
  • 20 years
  • Zagreb

Lana Č.

6.5 €/hour
  • Covid-19 vaccine

Considering my current major at UFZG, focusing on primary education and English teaching, I feel confident in my abilities to provide quality care for your children. My experien...

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Petra Č.

8 €/hour
  • 2 years experience with babysitting
  • 32 years
  • Zagreb

Petra Č.

8 €/hour
  • Covid-19 vaccine

I have experience in looking after children from 1.5 to 3 years old, creating a positive environment through creative activities such as drawing, reading and playing. Through t...

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Tia D.

5 €/hour
  • 5 years experience with babysitting
  • 21 years
  • Zagreb

Tia D.

5 €/hour

I graduated from a gymnasium in Zagreb and currently in my 4th year of medical school. I have been taking care of children forany years. I've taken care of all of my cousins - 2...

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Mateja K.

5 €/hour
  • 10 years experience with babysitting
  • 27 years
  • Zagreb

Mateja K.

5 €/hour

Hello, I'm Mateja and I live in Zagreb. Graduated high school, course nutrition technology. Have a lot of experiences with taking care of children. Also, I worked as animator in...

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Tina I.

9 €/hour
  • 2 years experience with babysitting
  • 22 years
  • Zagreb

Tina I.

9 €/hour

I am a student at the Faculty of Graphic Arts in Zagreb, and I have graduated from the School of Applied Arts, also in Zagreb. I get along very well with children and have exper...

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Anna D.

10 €/hour
  • 1 year experience with babysitting
  • 21 years
  • Kraljevečki Novaki

Anna D.

10 €/hour
  • Covid-19 vaccine

Imam iskustva u čuvanju djece. Unazad godinu dana paralelno sa sestrom (zbog obaveza faksa) čuvam dijete od 5 godina s autizmom, a po potrebi i nećakinju od 4 mjeseca. Strpljiva...

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Vesna S.

7 €/hour
  • 3 years experience with babysitting
  • 28 years
  • Zagreb

Vesna S.

7 €/hour
  • Document verified

Imam iskustva u čuvanju djece. Majka sam jednogodišnjeg djeteta i voljela bi pronaći obitelj koja je ozbiljna u interesu čuvanja njihove djece ili jednog djeteta. Može biti i u ...

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Nikolina Z.

10 €/hour
  • 28 years
  • Zagreb

Nikolina Z.

10 €/hour
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Document verified

Iako informatičar po struci, ljudi koji me ne poznaju uvijek pitaju radim li kao teta u vrtiću, s obzirom na moj odnos prema djeci i povezanost koju ostvarujemo. Čuvanje i briga...

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Nives Ć.

8 €/hour
  • 2 years experience with babysitting
  • 19 years
  • Sesvete

Nives Ć.

8 €/hour

Posvećena sam osoba koja voli rad s djecom neovisno je li to uz učenje, igru i slične aktivnosti ili pak uz nešto sasvim drugačije. Bavim se ovim poslom već gotovo dvije godine...

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Lea I.

5 €/hour
  • 3 years experience with babysitting
  • 19 years
  • Zagreb

Lea I.

5 €/hour

Imam 20 godina. Završila sam Školu za medicinsku sestru te trenutno studiram sestrinstvo na Zdravstvenom Veleučilištu u Zagrebu. Imam puno iskustva sa čuvanjem djece obzirom da ...

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Martina Č.

6 €/hour
  • 3 years experience with babysitting
  • 27 years
  • Dugo Selo

Martina Č.

6 €/hour

Zovem se Martina završila sam prehrambenu školu. Čuvala sam djecu svojih prijateljica i poznanika imam puno iskustva o djeci također sam i majka trogodišnje djevojčice. Čuvala s...

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