Cleaning and babysitting lady in Hosti
Found 10 sitters
Looking for both babysitting and cleaning services? Explore the best of both worlds at Choose from a variety of trusted babysitters in Hosti who can assist with childcare and cleaning – all in one! Plus, it’s rewarding too!

Vanessa Š.
Vanessa Š.
- Document verified
I have significant experience in childcare, which I have gained through frequently looking after my nephews and younger brother. These experiences have allowed me to develop pat...

Kathleen S.
Kathleen S.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Dugo sam radio na polju obrazovanja i razvoja. Sada sam posvećena brizi za djecu ovdje i to je ono što stvarno strastveno volim.. Hvala puno...

Arijana B.
Arijana B.
- Covid-19 vaccine
I am studying History and Art History at the University of Rijeka. Throughout my studies, I have gained experience working with children of all ages through various museum work...

Koraljka d.
Koraljka d.
- Document verified
Bavim se povremenim čuvanjem djece svih uzrasta, od beba do nižih razreda osnovne. Kada se brinem o starijoj djeci, preferiram interaktivna druženja, pa volim da zajedno izrađuj...

Valentina S.
Valentina S.
- Covid-19 vaccine
Završila sam prirodoslovnu i grafičku školu u Rijeci. U slobodno vrijeme volim šetati i provoditi vrijeme na otvorenom. Imam 3 mlađa brata, te imam puno iskustva u čuvanju djece...

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