Cleaning and babysitting lady in Hrelići
Found 31 sitters
Looking for both babysitting and cleaning services? Explore the best of both worlds at Choose from a variety of trusted babysitters in Hrelići who can assist with childcare and cleaning – all in one! Plus, it’s rewarding too!

Bregitte M.
Bregitte M.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Hi, my name is Bregitte. I’m 27, and I'm from the Philippines. Recently I moved to Croatia. Previously, I worked in the Philippines and Dubai as a babysitter and cleaner. Why ...

Nikolina E.
Nikolina E.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
I graduated at Filozofski fakultet in Zagreb, I am a certified technician for physical therapy and a caregiver. I took care of my little sister when she was a baby and later whe...

Snjezana G.
Snjezana G.
- Covid-19 vaccine
My English is c 1 level and am a tour guide in English and German for sightseeing in ZAG. I can teach you or kids both. The price is e 20 for 90 minutes.

Andreja T.
Andreja T.
- Document verified
My name is Andreja. I graduated from nursing school. I have four grown children. I love nature, trips and animals. I spent a lot of time with my children, with my nephews and ot...

Martina K.
Martina K.
- Document verified
Zavrsila sam srednju skolu Zdravstveno Uciliste Zagreb. Imam 32 godine. Nemam previse profesionalnog iskustva u cuvanju djece iako u mladim 20 jesam imala par obitelji kojima je...

Mirjana R.
Mirjana R.
Komunikativna,Strpljiva,Vesela. Imam Dijete od 6god.,razigrano i veselo,spremno za društvo. Vrijeme najviše provodimo kroz igru,u prirodi ili doma(ovisi o vremenu), volimo biti...

Natalija K.
Natalija K.
- Document verified
Pozdrav, Ja sam majka Natalija imam sina od 5 godina pa imam iskustva u odgajanju djece, prednost je tome sto bi moj sin sudjelovao u cuvanju tj radio bi mi drustvo dok bi ja cu...

U slučaju da nisam dostupna kućne ljubimce može čuvati dečko koji radi od kuće.
In case I'm not available, my boyfriend who works from home can take care of pets.