Babysitter who will practice English with your children in Novaki Šćitarjevski
Found 90 sitters
Looking for an English speaking babysitter? Choose from a wide range of reliable babysitters with English who will not only look after your children in Novaki Šćitarjevski, but also practice English together in a fun way.
Kristina B.
Kristina B.
- Document verified
I started to care of daughter of my best friend and helping her a lot , almost 2,5 years. I love children and they love me. I have big patience and also I love to work with chil...

Ethelyn G.
Ethelyn G.
- Document verified
Hi there! I am Ethelyn from Philippines. I am living and working here in Zagreb for almost 5 years with the same employer since arrived. I am here to Look for a babysitting job ...

Antonija R.
Antonija R.
- Document verified
Moje ime je Antonija. Imam 24 godine te završavam fakultet koji nije vezan uz djecu. S djecom se bavim još od srednje škole kad sam radila u rođendaonici. Imam iskustva u čuvanj...

Anamarija K.
Anamarija K.
I'm very communicative and I like working with children. I'm 19 years old and since I was little I've taken care of my siblings and neighbors kids . I have experience with vario...