Babysitter who will practice English with your children in Pašac
Found 25 sitters
Looking for an English speaking babysitter? Choose from a wide range of reliable babysitters with English who will not only look after your children in Pašac, but also practice English together in a fun way.

Katarina Z.
Katarina Z.
- Document verified
I graduated from the School of Natural Sciences and Graphics in Rijeka and am currently taking a gap year. I plan to enroll in Early and Preschool Education because I love worki...

Gabriela I.
Gabriela I.
I graduated from the University of Rijeka with a degree in Early and Preschool Education, and I am currently in my first year of the master's program in the same field. Although...

Mihaela M.
Mihaela M.
I am currently studying at the Faculty of Philosophy in Rijeka, majoring in Psychology. I have been involved in animation and childcare for a long time - I worked in a playroom,...

Leonarda B.
Leonarda B.
- Document verified
Završila sam opću gimnaziju, a trenutno sam studentica treće godine preddiplomskog studija Logopedije. Kroz odrastanje, imala sam priliku često čuvati, brinuti se i provoditi vr...

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