Find a babysitter with overnight care in Borovo Naselje
Found 22 sitters
Are you looking for a sitter who will look after your children not only during the day, but also during the night? Discover the world of night babysitting at Choose from a wide range of reliable babysitters who will take care of your children overnight in Borovo Naselje.
Martina S.
Martina S.
- Covid-19 vaccine
I went to medical school with good grades, I live in Zagreb for four years, working in pediatric department for 2 years. I'm very cheerful, polite and I easily adapt to all kind...
Marinela R.
Marinela R.
- Document verified
Dugi niz godina sam dadilja, čuvala sam djecu razne uzrasti, također sam radila kao animatorica. Jako volim biti u prirodi, voziti bicikl, crtati, čitati.
Barbara B.
Barbara B.
I graduated from veterinary school. I also was working with autistic children and was going to school with them as their assistant. I’m qualified to work with said children. Lan...
Lorelai B.
Lorelai B.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Pohađala sam III. gimnaziju Osijek. Imam iskustva s djecom; čuvala sam mlađed brata i sestrične te sam volontirala u udrugama i na događajima gdje sam radila s djecom (udruga Do...
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