Cleaning and ironing lady in Botinec

Found 23 cleaners

Are you looking for a cleaning lady who will also iron for you in Botinec? Discover the world of cleaning at Choose a cleaning lady who will not only clean your home, but also help you iron your clothes.

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Anja V.

7 €/hour
  • 19 years
  • Zagreb

Anja V.

7 €/hour
  • Document verified

I clean my home daily and I want to help others with it. I have a lot of experience. I clean my seaside apartments, and I've been working as a cleaner at a holiday camp for 3 su...

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Marija I.

10 €/hour
  • 31 years
  • Zagreb

Marija I.

10 €/hour
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Document verified

I offer cleaning services for households and business premises, with special attention to detail. I am flexible and adaptable to your needs, with a professional approach to ever...

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Paula F.

8 €/hour
  • 21 years
  • Zagreb

Paula F.

8 €/hour
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Document verified

I clean my home every day and enjoy the fact that my surroundings are neat and clean. I have experience with office and hotel cleaning. I offer help with vacuuming, cleaning f...

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Ksenija M.

10 €/hour
  • 48 years
  • Zagreb

Ksenija M.

10 €/hour

I consider myself a neat person and instinctively feel the need to clean when I see that it's messy. I worked in a physically demanding maintenance job of a private school, off...

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Camila A.

12 €/hour
  • 27 years
  • Zagreb

Camila A.

12 €/hour
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Document verified

Hello! My name is Camila Améstica, I am Chilean, and I am 27 years old. I have been studying the Croatian language, and I completed the A1 level along with my husband, who has C...

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Kristijan M.

8 €/hour
  • 47 years
  • Zagreb

Kristijan M.

8 €/hour
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Document verified

I am involved on cleaning on daily bases. Use to work for the cleaning company in Slovenia, where i cleaned offices and production facilities. I also worked at the car wash company

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Ema B.

10 €/hour
  • 22 years
  • Zagreb

Ema B.

10 €/hour
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Document verified

Imam iskustva u čišćenju stanova, kuća, uredskih i poslovnih prostora te zbog nedavnog preseljenja tražim novi posao koji mi je bliži kući. Uredna sam, pedantna i odgovorna osob...

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Marina G.

15 €/hour
  • 38 years
  • Zagreb

Marina G.

15 €/hour
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Document verified

Već više od 5 godina se bavim poslovima čišćenja i peglanja te obilaskom starije osobe. Uz klijente kojima idem isključivo preko preporuke želim svoj posao proširiti na veći br...

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Lucrezia J.

10 €/hour
  • 27 years
  • Zagreb

Lucrezia J.

10 €/hour
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Document verified

Imam 27 godina i uz to 20 godina čiščenja. Od malih nogu mi je krpa i lavor bila najdraža igra.

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Ines J.

15 €/hour
  • 38 years
  • Zagreb

Ines J.

15 €/hour
  • Covid-19 vaccine

Heya, im cleaning more then half of my life in my own house and so many diffrent jobs of cleaning in many company. I enjoy doing that job

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Ivanka K.

6 €/hour
  • 43 years
  • Donji Čehi

Ivanka K.

6 €/hour
  • Covid-19 vaccine

Svakodnevno čistim svoj dom,jedno vrijeme sam čistima ured. Čista sam osoba,nepusac i pedantna i volim da je sve na svome mjestu.

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Gabriela K.

7 €/hour
  • 30 years
  • Odranski Obrež

Gabriela K.

7 €/hour

Svakodnevno čiščeći svoju kuću me potaknulo zašto ne pomoći i drugima u održavanju i ćišćenju njihovih domova, radnih prostora itd. Imam iskustva u čišćenju svadbenih sala, res...

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Matea M.

10 €/hour
  • 21 years
  • Zagreb

Matea M.

10 €/hour

Svakodnevno održavam svoj dom, za sad još nemam iskustva u čišćenju stanova, ureda itd. ali bih voljela steknuti i to iskustvo. Volim čistoću, urednost i pedantnost. Struka me n...

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Carla A.

9 €/hour
  • 24 years
  • Zagreb

Carla A.

9 €/hour

Svakodnevno čistim i održavam svoj dom urednim. Nemam problem s čiščenjem niti kuhinje niti kupaonice. Smatram da je sve stvar dogovora.

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Tea T.

11 €/hour
  • 30 years
  • Zagreb

Tea T.

11 €/hour

Radim kao cistacica poslje građevinskih radova,pripremam stanove za primopredaju. Nudim vam ciscenje vašeg doma sa vašim sredstvima u svime sto je vama vec poznato nista novo n...

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