Pet sitting Novi Vinodolski
Found 6 pet sitters
Find a care-giver for your pet care in Novi Vinodolski. You can also view the ratings from other users and the level of verification of the sitters.
Leonarda L.
6 €/hour
Leonarda L.
6 €/hour
- Document verified
Dear pet owners... I currently do not have any pets because of the period when I lived and worked in Austria, but throughout my life I have had many pets such as cats, dogs, gu...

Kristina P.
8 €/hour
Kristina P.
8 €/hour
Dragi vlasnici kućnih ljubimaca dobro došli na moj profil :) Od kad znam za sebe imam razne kućne ljubimce . Trenutno imam psa i dvije mačke. Dok sam bila mlađa imala sam ribic...

Dostupna sam od ponedjeljka do subote, u prijepodnevnim i popodnevnim satima. (do 19h).