Pet sitting Ražanac
Found 40 pet sitters
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Svjetlana Š.
Svjetlana Š.
Dear pet owners you are welcome to leave your pet in "gold" hands . They will have all they need ,While you are away. I have a car and love to take them swimming, also great bi...

Manuela Ž.
Manuela Ž.
Dear owners, it is not a problem for me to keep pets. My family had a Belgian Shepherd dog and I grew up with her but unfortunately she died of old age. I also had a cat, a fami...

Mihaela S.
Mihaela S.
- Document verified
Brinem se o kućnim ljubimcima od malena. Godinama sam imala raznorazne životinje. Trenutno brinem u svom mješancu, maltezer ši-cu. Ako biste mi povjerili svog psa (mačku..- do r...

Mihaela V.
Mihaela V.
- Document verified
Dragi posjetitelji mog profila, želim vam dobrodošlicu na moj profil. Po struci sam veterinarski tehničar, doslovce ih obožavam. Radim sa životinjama godinama i one su mi od mal...

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