Cat sitting in Zagreb
Found 180 pet sitters
Are you looking for a sitter for your cat? Discover the world of pets at! Choose from a wide range of reliable sitters in Zagreb who will take care of your cat as if it were their own.

Nikolina G.
Nikolina G.
Hello to everyone who has stumbled upon my profile! :) If you need pet sitting or just a walk, I’m here for you. My whole life has been filled with animals of all kinds and siz...

Nikolina M.
Nikolina M.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Dragi prijatelji životinja, nudim Vam čuvanje i vođenje brige o Vašim krznenim prijateljima. Od malena sam okružena životinjama. Odrasla sam na selu uz pregršt različitih živo...

Tatjana S.
Tatjana S.
- Document verified
Cijeli život sam okružena životinjama i obožavam ih. Imam završeno za timaritelja , 7 mjeseci rada u skloništu sa psima svih vrsta i sa svim problemima . Radila sam i u pet cent...

Marcela Š.
Marcela Š.
- Document verified
Dear pet owners, my familly always had cats and dogs. I grew up with animals, especially because I worked and rode horses most of my life and spent now almost 25 years on the ra...

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