Home senior care Glavice
Found 7
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Elizabeta L.
10 €/hour
Elizabeta L.
10 €/hour
- Document verified
Greeting, My care for the elderly started during my teenage years when my mother took care of my grandmother (broken hip and dementia) and my father's uncle (polio) with whom I ...
Nikolina S.
13 €/hour
Nikolina S.
13 €/hour
- Document verified
Pozdrav,ja se zovem Nikolina Zivim u Solinu Zavrsila sam srednju skolu za kuharicu 9 ipo godina sam radila u svojoj struci Zbog malo promjene i svega odlucila sam se na ovo. Vol...
Zvati radnim danom između 7:30 i 8:30 ili iza 18:00h.