Home senior care Bijenik
Found 52
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Kristina J.
Kristina J.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
I have taken care of my senior grandma. I can go to store for you, help in cleaning/cooking help take meds, take walks and keep company.

Antonio-Ante K.
Antonio-Ante K.
- Document verified
I am open for some basic things and care such as buying groceries, stacking and giving medicine, socializing, talking. But I'm not open for things like changing diapers, bedding...

Katarina L.
Katarina L.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
I am a special teacher and I have a master's degree in special education. I have been working as a teacher with children with special needs in elementary school for 20 years. I ...

Andreja R.
Andreja R.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Radim već 4god. kao njegovateljica. Slobodna sam svakih 14 dana u mjesecu te bih tada mogla da vodim brigu o starijim licima. Imam iskustva sa: *Nepokretne ili slobo pokretne ...

Uglavnom sam dostupna pon-sri popodne, a čet i pet ujutro te vikendima cijeli dan a drugi tijedan sam dostupna samo popodne i tako se rotira raspored .