Tutoring Stari Mikanovci

Found 6 tutors

Choose a tutor in Stari Mikanovci. On each profile, you can view their verification level, read about their tutoring experience, and see other families' ratings.

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Ivan B.

6 €/hour  Math  Physics  Guitar +2  Admission high school
  • 26 years
  • Antunovac

Ivan B.

6 €/hour  Math  Physics  Guitar  Admission high school
  • Document verified

I am Ivan, in my free time I volunteered as a physics and mathematics tutor for elementary school in Antunovac and for children from the SOS Children's Village association (high...

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Katja K.

6 €/hour  English
  • 18 years
  • Josipovac Punitovački

Katja K.

6 €/hour  English

I am excellent in English and have extensive experience in speaking the language. I've traveled to various countries across Europe, which has allowed me to develop my language a...

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Ivana G.

10 €/hour  Math  Croatian  English
  • 29 years
  • Ivankovo

Ivana G.

10 €/hour  Math  Croatian  English
  • Document verified

Imam 29 godina i po struci sam učiteljica razredne nastave. Diplomirala sam na Sveučilištu u Zadru 2019. i od tada radim po školama. Trenutno radim kao učitelj edukator-rehabili...

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Iva C.

6 €/hour
  • 19 years
  • Vinkovci

Iva C.

6 €/hour

Završila sam srednju ekonomsku školu. Volim računovodstvo i želim se jednog dana baviti računovodstvom, pa samim time želim pomoći drugoj djeci

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Lorena B.

9 €/hour
  • 23 years
  • Vinkovci

Lorena B.

9 €/hour

Studentica sam na četvrtoj godini Doba Fakulteta smijer Marketing i prodaja. Voljna sam svoje znanje i vještine prenjeti na mlade kojima računovodstvo nije najjasnije kako bi g...

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Andrea P.

20 €/hour  Math  Physics
  • 29 years
  • Vukovar

Andrea P.

20 €/hour  Math  Physics

Pomazem ucenicima s određenim predmetima: *matematika, fizika, povijest, geografija, psihologija..; Kao i kontinuirano pratim njihove skolske obveze.

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