Tutoring Grobnik
Found 26 tutors
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Ana N.
Ana N.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
I have experience in teaching Croatian language for middle schoolers (especially in the field of grammar, but I can also be of service while providing help with literary essays)...
Antonija Ž.
Antonija Ž.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
I have expirience in tutoring kids in primary school for secondary school. I can adapt to their needs.
Adriana M.
Adriana M.
- Document verified
As it concerns about my experience in tutoring any certain school subject, I don't have any but I tutor preschool children the basics needed for primary school (6-7 years old ch...
Gracia V.
Gracia V.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
I have extensive experience teaching English at the primary, secondary, and college levels, along with completing internships in both primary and secondary schools.
Luna B.
Luna B.
- Document verified
Puna sam strpljenja i spremna pomoći vasem djetetu koliko god mogu da savladava gradivo. Najviše znanja imam u hrvatskom i engleskom jeziku, te bih mogla poducavati sve ostale p...
Aleksandra P.
Aleksandra P.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Ne bavim se podukama jer nisam dovoljno stručna i nikad nisam radila taj posao. Aktivno govorim engleski i talijanski jezik pa eventualno malo pocetničkog učenja riječi i rečeni...
Ema C.
Ema C.
- Covid-19 vaccine
I offer preparations for an entrance exam for high school of applied arts or an art academy. I have always been involved in painting, and for the last 7 years I have attended t...
Monika U.
Monika U.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
S obzirom da sam i sama koristila usluge instrukcija tokom školovanja, razumijem potrebe roditelja i samih učenika da se gradivo treba nekad dodatno pojasniti. Strpljiva sam oso...
Bernardica Š.
Bernardica Š.
- Document verified
Profesorica sam Hrvatskoga jezika i književnosti. Nudim instrukcije iz Hrvatskoga jezika za osnovnu i srednju školu te pripremam učenike za polaganje Državne mature. Postoji mog...
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