Tutoring Sveta Nedjelja
Found 27 tutors
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Doris K.
Doris K.
Through an individual approach, I try to get to know the student and the way they think, then based on that I change my style of teaching and explaining any given subject so the...

Anja K.
Anja K.
- Document verified
As a third-year student at the Faculty of Teacher Education in Zagreb, majoring in Early Childhood and Preschool Education, I have gained thorough knowledge and practical experi...

Ana R.
Ana R.
Hello! I am passionate about teaching mathematics, Croatian, and English. I have a strong affinity for these subjects and excel at explaining complex concepts in a simple way. M...

Antonija M.
Antonija M.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
I gained teaching experience by leading university practical sessions and now wish to apply my expertise in biology to help elementary and high school students. I enjoy teaching...

Korina R.
Korina R.
- Document verified
Poštovani, studentica sam sociologije na Filozofskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, a završila sam opći smjer Gimnazije Lucijana Vranjnaina. Imam iskustva s davanjem instrukci...

Natalia S.
Natalia S.
Studiram na Uciteljskom fakultetu predskolski smjer. Nudim poucavanje predmeta u skoli i glazbenoj skoli.

Dostupna sam vikendima, svaki drugi tjedan kad sam ujutro u školi