Tutoring Štinjan
Found 11 tutors
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Nicole P.
Nicole P.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
[I am attending the final year of a linguistic Italian high school.] Italian is my native language, so I would love to help children in kindergarten or elementary school. I can ...

Emina M.
Emina M.
- Document verified
I am a third-year student of the Teacher Education program (primary education) with several years of experience in tutoring. I am qualified to teach all subjects in the lower gr...

Mariette G.
Mariette G.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
I am a Dutch citizen with a permanent visa, residing in Pula. I'm fluent in English, Dutch, and Croatian. After living in New Zealand for over 2 years and traveling around the U...

Marta P.
Marta P.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Imam iskustva s izradom prezentacija, seminara i eseja. Imam iskustva s podučavanjem u području informatike i programiranja (završila sam diplomski studij informatike) - Office ...

Anamarija R.
Anamarija R.
Hello! My name is Anamarija, I am a student at the Faculty of Philosophy in Pula. My mission is to help you master the English language in a fun and interactive way. Through cr...

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