Tutoring Ivanić-Grad
Found 16 tutors
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Tatjana M.
Tatjana M.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
I offer an English language teaching service. I graduated from high school as a Foreign Correspondent for English and German. I have a great knowledge of spoken and written Engl...

Kristina R.
Kristina R.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
I have experience in tutoring both math and chemistry. Having graduated at Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, I have solid background for tutoring both primary and se...

Katarina T.
Katarina T.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Završila sam financije i pedagoški minimum te volim podučavati, posebno matematiku za niže i više razrede te ekonomske predmete za srednjoškolce. Moj stil podučavanja temelji se...

Noa M.
Noa M.
- Document verified
Hi ! I am a french girl speaking fluently English and have basis in Spanish. I am used to teach piano to children and seniors who would like to remember there childhood around...

Dorotea M.
Dorotea M.
Poducavanje iz biologije, kemije, fizike i matematike za osnovnu skolu. Zavrsena prirodoslovna gimnazija.

Uglavnom sam dostupna od ponedjeljka do petka od 17:00-20.00, i subotom od 14:00 - 18:00