Tutoring Donji Bukovec

Found 46 tutors

Choose a tutor in Donji Bukovec. On each profile, you can view their verification level, read about their tutoring experience, and see other families' ratings.

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Emma O.

7 €/hour  Math  Croatian  English
  • 24 years
  • Zagreb

Emma O.

7 €/hour  Math  Croatian  English

Hello, I have a lot of patience with children who attend primary school up to the 4th grade and know English, Croatian and mathematics up to the 4th grade of primary school, I l...

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Kristinka L.

20 €/hour
  • 42 years
  • Zagreb

Kristinka L.

20 €/hour

My teaching approach is based on the individual needs of each student. Through creative tasks and exercises, I encourage the exploration of different artistic techniques and per...

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Dora Š.

9 €/hour  Croatian  English  Admission high school +2  Final exam high school
  • 27 years
  • Zagreb

Dora Š.

9 €/hour  Croatian  English  Admission high school  Final exam high school
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Document verified

I completed the Pedagogical-Psychological-Didactic-Methodical education, gaining the competencies necessary for working with students, specifically in schools. I have experience...

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Maida K.

11 €/hour  Math  Croatian  English +4  Physics  Admission high school  Final exam high school
  • 37 years
  • Zagreb

Maida K.

11 €/hour  Math  Croatian  English  Physics  Admission high school  Final exam high school

I have many years of experience in tutoring in all subjects. I also prepared students for the Faculty of Electrical Engineering (for admission) and for other tests. I gave priva...

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Jelena Ž.

16 €/hour  Croatian  Admission high school  Final exam high school
  • 43 years
  • Zagreb

Jelena Ž.

16 €/hour  Croatian  Admission high school  Final exam high school
  • Covid-19 vaccine

I am a professor of the Croatian language and history of fine arts, and I give instructions and preparations for graduation and entrance exams in both subjects. I also teach Cro...

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Andreja J.

10 €/hour  Croatian  English  Admission high school +2  Final exam high school
3 reviews
  • 28 years
  • Zagreb

Andreja J.

10 €/hour  Croatian  English  Admission high school  Final exam high school
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Document verified

Imam iskustva u podučavanju hrvatskog i engleskog jezika za osnovne škole Pomoć pri pisanju zadaća. Imam puno iskustva u pisanju seminara na razne teme.

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Paola Z.

5 €/hour  Croatian  English  Physics +3  Admission high school  Final exam high school
  • 21 years
  • Zagreb

Paola Z.

5 €/hour  Croatian  English  Physics  Admission high school  Final exam high school

I have experience tutoring in physics, chemistry, biology, Croatian, English and Latin. My method focuses on adapting to the needs and learning style of the student so they coul...

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Marija M.

10 €/hour  Math  Croatian  English
1 reviews
  • 50 years
  • Zagreb

Marija M.

10 €/hour  Math  Croatian  English

I have experience in tutoring in matematics, english and croatian language for preschool and primary school.

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Lara T.

10 €/hour  Math  Croatian  Physics
1 reviews
  • 19 years
  • Zagreb

Lara T.

10 €/hour  Math  Croatian  Physics
  • Document verified

Završila sam srednju za dentalnog tehničara te završavam srednju glazbenu smjer klavirist. Imam iskustva sa podučavanjem u području matematike i fizike za osnovnoškolce te instr...

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Vanessa E.

8 €/hour  Math  Admission high school
  • 51 years
  • Zagreb

Vanessa E.

8 €/hour  Math  Admission high school
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Document verified

Vaše dijete ima poteškoća s talijanskim!!!! Imam iskustva s podučavanjem talijanskog jezika kako za početnike, tako i za osobe koje moraju učiti jezik zbog posla ili osobnih raz...

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Ivana M.

10 €/hour  Croatian  English  Admission high school
  • 19 years
  • Zagreb

Ivana M.

10 €/hour  Croatian  English  Admission high school
  • Document verified

Imam iskustva s obradom engleskog i hrvatskog jezika, završavam školu koja je jako fokusirana na jezike, prilagođavam se učeniku i njegovom tempu i radim u vašem domu.

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Anita B.

9 €/hour  Math    English +2  Admission high school
  • 21 years
  • Zagreb

Anita B.

9 €/hour  Math    English  Admission high school
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Document verified

Tijekom srednjoškolskog obrazovanja, aktivno sam se bavila pružanjem instrukcija učenicima nižih i viših razreda osnovne škole, pokrivajući širok raspon predmeta poput hrvatskog...

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Sara P.

10 €/hour    English  Admission high school +2  Final exam high school
  • 26 years
  • Zagreb

Sara P.

10 €/hour    English  Admission high school  Final exam high school
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Document verified

Imam oko 2 godine iskustva davanja instrukcija iz engleskog jezika. Uz to sam i završila engleski jezik i književnost. Prilagođavam se potrebama učenika.

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Viktoria T.

8 €/hour  Math  Croatian  English +4  Physics  Admission high school  Final exam high school
  • 23 years
  • Zagreb

Viktoria T.

8 €/hour  Math  Croatian  English  Physics  Admission high school  Final exam high school
  • Covid-19 vaccine

I offer instructions for all elementary school subjects, as well as for high school math and science subjects. We have an individual approach to learning, adapt the material to ...

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Monica C.

6.5 €/hour
  • 45 years
  • Zagreb

Monica C.

6.5 €/hour
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Document verified

Hello! My name is Monica, and I am a Spanish tutor for all ages. With a teaching approach based on practice and solid theoretical support, my goal is to help you master the lang...

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