  • 31 godina
  • Slavonski Brod
  • Aktivnost prije 4 mjeseca.
  •  Soke Hilmi Firat Anadolu Lisesi
  •  Adnan Menderes University
  • Certifikat prve pomoći
  •  Pravljenje društva, razgovor, igranje igrica itd.
  •  Dijabetes
  •  Problemi s pokretljivošću
  •  Priprema hrane

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O meni

I spent a significant amount of time with my grandparents, assisting them with daily activities, providing companionship, and supporting them during their medical appointments. These experiences have instilled in me a deep sense of empathy, patience, and the importance of attentive care. I have acquired practical skills such as meal preparation, medication reminders, and helping with mobility and personal hygiene (except diaper changing). My hands-on experience ensures that I am well-prepared to manage the varied needs of elder care.


B1 English


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Primarni grad: Slavonski Brod, Brodsko-posavska županija » Slavonski Brod