- 28 godina
- Zagreb
- 4 korisnika su je već kontaktirali
- Aktivnost prije 23 dana.
- Vrijeme odgovora: 1 dan
- El Wafa Highschool Tunis
- University of higher tourism studies
- Pravljenje društva, razgovor, igranje igrica itd.
- Parkinsonova bolest
- Problemi s pokretljivošću
- Pomoć oko higijene
- Priprema hrane
- Fizioterapija, art terapija

Mariem B.
4 €/sat
- 28 godina
- Covid-19 cjepivo
Prošla je provjeru dokumenata (ID ili DL)
provjeriti dvostruke registracije · provjera datuma valjanosti
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O meni
I have experience in both personal and professional senior care. I’ve assisted with daily tasks, companionship, and recreational activities, helping create a safe and supportive environment.
I’ve cared for my grandparents and worked as a professional caregiver, supporting seniors with personal care, appointments, and household tasks.
I value the connections I’ve built with seniors, enjoying the chance to support their independence and quality of life.
Fluent in English and Arabic: Proficient in both written and spoken communication, able to engage in professional and casual conversations effortlessly. Intermediate in French: Capable of handling basic conversations and understanding key topics, with room to expand vocabulary and fluency.