Cleaning and babysitting lady in Sveta Nedjelja
Found 31 sitters
Looking for both babysitting and cleaning services? Explore the best of both worlds at Choose from a variety of trusted babysitters in Sveta Nedjelja who can assist with childcare and cleaning – all in one! Plus, it’s rewarding too!
Dubravko K.
Dubravko K.
- Document verified
I don't have professional experience in childcare, except for looking after children of family members and friends. By children, I mean kids aged 4 and older, not babies. Taking...

Anđelina S.
Anđelina S.
- Document verified
My name is Anđelina, and I live in Zagreb. I graduated from the Secondary School of Economics and currently work in a bank, where I have been building my professional experience...

Miranda S.
Miranda S.
- Document verified
My love for children and animals developed through years of taking care of nephews and children of friends who could confidently entrust their children and pets to me, who they ...

Nikolina B.
Nikolina B.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Uz svoje troje dječice voljela bi čuvati djecu jer su oni moja radost i jako ih volim.Čuvati ih mogu po dogovoru ili na puno radno vrijeme,uz to mogu i pomoći u kućanstvu.

Dolores V.
Dolores V.
- Document verified
Mlada sam, vedra i vesela osoba, volim djecu, a djeca vrlo brzo zavole i mene. Povremeno bih znala pripaziti djecu od prijatelja. Također pričuvam djecu od nekog člana obitelji...

Uglavnom sam dostupan sve dane u bilo koje vrijeme.