Pet sitting Bistrinci

Found 10 pet sitters

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Nikolina B.

6 €/hour 15€/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 21 years
  • Osijek

Nikolina B.

6 €/hour 15€/day
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Document verified

Dear owners, let me tell you a little about myself :) I grew up with cats all my life and I absolutely adore them. If you would entrust me with your cat, I can guarantee you tha...

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Ana M.

5 €/hour 28€/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 19 years
  • Čepin

Ana M.

5 €/hour 28€/day
  • Document verified

Dear pet owners, welcome to my profile! I have always been surrounded by animals, both pets and domestic animals. I live in the countryside, I have several dogs because my fath...

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Laura H.

5 €/hour 25€/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 18 years
  • Višnjevac

Laura H.

5 €/hour 25€/day

Dear pet owners, welcome to my profile :) I've been taking care of pets since I was little. I have been for years had hamsters and fancy mice, and a few fish found a home with m...

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Dora K.

4.5 €/hour 25€/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 21 years
  • Višnjevac

Dora K.

4.5 €/hour 25€/day
  • Document verified

Dragi vlasnici kuċnih ljubimaca, vrlo rado bih vam pomagala u čuvanju vaših ljubimaca. Osobno imam 3 psa i 3 mačke te sam odrasla sa životinjama oko sebe pa bih rekla da imam is...

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Barbara G.

5 €/hour 25€/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 18 years
  • Beli Manastir

Barbara G.

5 €/hour 25€/day
  • Document verified

Brinem o kućnim ljubimcima od malena. Imala sam pse, mačke, hrčka, papigu i ribice. Obožavam životinje.

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Ana V.

7 €/hour 30€/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 24 years
  • Čepin

Ana V.

7 €/hour 30€/day
  • Covid-19 vaccine

Hello! My name is Ana, and I am 24 years old. I have always had a deep love for animals, especially cats. My cat, Micuki, has been a part of my life for 8 years and she is truly...

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Tena M.

3 €/hour 8€/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 27 years
  • Čepin

Tena M.

3 €/hour 8€/day
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Document verified

Od malena sam okružena kućnim ljubimcima o kojima se brinem. Odrasla sam uz pet pasa, mačku, četiri zeca, kornjaču i ribice, a sada kao odrasla osoba imam svog psa (štene crnog ...

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Leona R.

10 €/hour 20€/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 22 years
  • Valpovo

Leona R.

10 €/hour 20€/day
  • Covid-19 vaccine

Dragi vlasnici,od malena sam okružena raznim životinjama(ribice,psi,mačke,kornjače,gušter,kameleon,hrčak...) i volim životinje. Spremna sam na igru sa njima,hranjenje pa tako i ...

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Matea P.

3 €/hour 6€/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 21 years
  • Petlovac

Matea P.

3 €/hour 6€/day
  • Covid-19 vaccine

Dragi vlasnici kućnih ljubimaca.Moje ime je Matea i imam 21 godinu.Jako volim životinje.Imam također psa pa se svakodnevno brinem o njemu.S Vašim kućnim ljubimce ako je pas mogu...

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Nataša V.

4.5 €/hour 8€/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 33 years
  • Petrijevci

Nataša V.

4.5 €/hour 8€/day
  • Covid-19 vaccine

Dragi vlasnici kućnih ljubimaca, jako sam dobra sa kućnim ljubimcima i obožavam ih... Brinut ću o njima kao da su moji

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