Pet sitting Rijeka
Found 58 pet sitters
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Ivančica B.
Ivančica B.
- Document verified
Dear pet owners :) I'm a student in Rijeka and I love taking care of pets. I have a lot of experience with dogs and cats. I'm reliable and attentive, and I will provide your pet...
Kristina C.
Kristina C.
Greetings to the owners, as a child I only had hamsters, considering that my parents did not let me own bigger animals because of dad's allergies, so I've always taken care afte...
Adriana M.
Adriana M.
- Document verified
Dear pet owners, welcome to my profile. All my life, I have been taking care of pets including dogs, cats, hamsters and rats. I, especially, can take care of cats and dogs cuz I...
Anamaria V.
Anamaria V.
- Document verified
Pozdrav, 🤓 radi cjeloživotnog druženja s mačkama i trenutnog viška vremena, odlučila sam spojiti ugodno s korisnim pa nudim usluge čuvanja i brige o manjim kućnim ljubimcima u ...
Gabriela Č.
Gabriela Č.
- Document verified
Dragi vlasnici velikih i malih šapica :) Imam punoo iskustva s životinjama, od malih nogu sam imala mačke i pse te ribice, kornjače i hrčke. Trenutno brinem o 3 mace (Kim, Lija...
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