Pet sitting Rijeka
Found 74 pet sitters
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Stjepani D.
Stjepani D.
- Document verified
Jako volim životinje. I sama sam cijeli svoj život imala pse,brinula o njima,hranila ih,vodila veterinaru. I sama sam vlasnica psa,malog šteneta od 4 mj.

Ivančica B.
Ivančica B.
- Document verified
Dear pet owners :) I'm a student in Rijeka and I love taking care of pets. I have a lot of experience with dogs and cats. I'm reliable and attentive, and I will provide your pet...

Kristina C.
Kristina C.
Greetings to the owners, as a child I only had hamsters, considering that my parents did not let me own bigger animals because of dad's allergies, so I've always taken care afte...

Emanuela G.
Emanuela G.
Zdravo, moje ime je Emanuela. Kao pažljiva i ljubazna osoba uvijek se trudim pružati ljubimcu adekvatnu brigu. Odgovorna sam puna posvećenosti i strpljenja stoga sam sigurna da ...

Uglavnom dostupna četvrtkom popodne, petkom popodne, a subote i nedjelje variraju, ali par sati uvijek mogu izdvojiti. :)