Home senior care Ivanec Gornji
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Antonio-Ante K.
Antonio-Ante K.
- Document verified
I am open for some basic things and care such as buying groceries, stacking and giving medicine, socializing, talking. But I'm not open for things like changing diapers, bedding...
Adriana J.
Adriana J.
- Document verified
Bok, ja sam Adriana iz Podsuseda. :) Mogu posjetiti nekoga ako ga je potrebno obići povremeno, otići u dućan po namirnice ili u ljekarnu po lijekove, skuhati ručak/večeru te pom...
Gabriela G.
Gabriela G.
I graduated from high school for nurses in Vrapče, and last year enrolled in nursing studies at the University of Health in Zagreb. I am currently working at KBC Sisters of Merc...
Danijel B.
Danijel B.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Imate mnogo posla i nemate vremena za brigu o vama dragoj osobi koja zbog bolesti nije u mogućnosti obavljati dnevne poslove? Učinite im život lakši i ljepši.
Uglavnom sam dostupna u poslijepodnevnim satima, iza 16 popodne. Vikendima sam slobodna i u jutarnjim satima.