Babysitting Vođinci
Found 34 sitters
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Nikolina P.
Nikolina P.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
I am the mother of 4 children and I know everything about children, I adore children, I don't find anything difficult around them and I look at another child as if it were my ow...
Magdalena P.
Magdalena P.
- Document verified
Pohađam 4. razred srednje škole, smjer medicinske sestre. Imam 18 godina. Imam vozačku dozvolu i auto, vrijeme čuvanja djece i dani po dogovoru. Volim se igrati sa djecom te im ...
Nikolina D.
Nikolina D.
- Covid-19 vaccine
Sama sam odrasla uz cuvanje od stane bake. Volim djecu jel su najiskrenija mala bica. Radila sam u igraonici sa djecom razlicite dobi ( cca. 2 do 10 godina ). S njima bih pro...
Barbara B.
Barbara B.
I graduated from veterinary school. I also was working with autistic children and was going to school with them as their assistant. I’m qualified to work with said children. Lan...
Viktorija J.
Viktorija J.
Završila sam Specijalistički diplomski stručni studij Menadžment u Slavonskom Brodu. Vedra, vesela i komunikativna sam osoba. Volim provoditi vrijeme s djecom. Imam strpljenja i...