Babysitting Podgorje
Found 336 sitters
Choose a sitter in Podgorje. On each profile you can take a look at the level of verification of the sitter, read about her experience and, above all, find out how other parents evaluate her.
Alexandra T.
7.5 €/hour
Alexandra T.
7.5 €/hour
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Dear parents, welcome to my profile! I’m a 29 year-old, half Greek half German, 5th year medical student in Zagreb. I have a lot of experience with babies of all ages, not only ...
Patricia S.
8 €/hour
Patricia S.
8 €/hour
- Document verified
Pozdrav, zovem se Patricia i imam 23 godine. Imam iskustvo u radu u igraonici/rođendaonici i čuvanja djece privatno. Također, imam malog nećaka od 3,5 godine s kojim provodim do...
6.5 €/hour
6.5 €/hour
- Document verified
Završila sam Grafičku skolu u Zagrebu, ali nisam radila nesto puno u struci. Kada su mi djeca bila mala, brinula sam o njima, a sada su oni vec odrasli, 22 i 23 god, i unazad 9 ...
Dostupna sam utorkom i petkom cijeli dan, te vikendima. Ostale dane u popodnevnim satima.