Cat sitting in Ščitarjevo
Found 162 pet sitters
Are you looking for a sitter for your cat? Discover the world of pets at! Choose from a wide range of reliable sitters in Ščitarjevo who will take care of your cat as if it were their own.
Zaklina R.
Zaklina R.
- Covid-19 vaccine
Imam psa 12 godina , povremeno sam cuvala pse od susjeda i povremeno setnje , isto tako cuvam u vrijeme godisnjeg poznanicima macke i kad je potrebno

Leonora T.
Leonora T.
Pozdrav i dobrodošli na moj profil! Imam 20 godina i već cijeli život sam okružena kućnim ljubimcima. Takoder sam i ponosna vlasnica malog pekinezera Snoopya starog 10 godina! ...

Barbara N.
Barbara N.
- Covid-19 vaccine
Dragi vlasnici kućnih ljubicama, studentica sam prve godine Socijalnog rada na Pravnome fakultetu i uz faks dobro bi mi došao posao. Obožavam sve životinje, pogotovo pse, čuvanj...

Magdalena M.
Magdalena M.
- Covid-19 vaccine
Hi there! I'm a college student who loves animals and would be happy to take care of your pets. Whether they need walking, feeding, or just some attention and playtime, I'm her...

Klaudija Š.
Klaudija Š.
Dear pet owners, I'm Klaudija. Since I was little, I have taken care of pets such as fish, mice, birds, rabbits, a dog, but especially cats. I have experience in caring for cats...

Katarina S.
Katarina S.
Hii :)) from a very young age I loved animals, I had a little Maltese named Kira and lot of turtles. If I were to take care of Your dog I would take them on walks, feed them and...

Tomislav O.
Tomislav O.
- Document verified
Imam višegodišnje iskustvo u čuvanju kućnih ljubimaca kojima se posvećujem s posebnom ljubavi i pozornošću. Mogu ih čuvati kod sebe ili prema dogovoru.

Loretta Š.
Loretta Š.
- Covid-19 vaccine
Trebate čuvanje, šetanje, istrčavanje, igranje, maženje, paženje... svog kućnog ljubimca, a nemate vremena, bolesni ste, radite, imate nešto za obaviti... slobodno se javite sa ...

Martina K.
Martina K.
Dear owners of pets or even better hairy, feathered or scaly family members, I am a veterinary technician by profession and I LOVE animals🥰 I would be happy to help you and take...

Valeria M.
Valeria M.
- Covid-19 vaccine
Hi everyone, I'm here to help you take care of your pets while you are away and can't do it yourself! I adore cats and I can take care of them in my apartment, as well as dogs. ...
