Tutoring Igrišće
Found 214 tutors
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Scarlett P.
Scarlett P.
Hi, my name is Scarlett and I teach English to Croatian pupils but can also teach Croatian to English speakers. I have a very well develop understanding of psychology, sociology...

Martina G.
Martina G.
Hello! I am Martina, a graduate engineer in electrical engineering and computer science with experience in volunteering to teach children mathematics. I offer tutoring in mathem...

Tomislava B.
Tomislava B.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
I study French and Italian an I have many years of experience in tutoring Croatian, French and Italian. I use Zoom, Meet or Teams for tutoring sessions and after each session, a...

Dorotea H.
Dorotea H.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
I am currently studying on PMF biology and chemistry for teaching in school, i went to xvi.gimnasium, I was raised and currently am living in Zagreb. I have attended and passed ...

Ema H.
Ema H.
- Covid-19 vaccine
I am a graduate student in psychology. In addition to my knowledge of psychology, I have many years of experience in teaching mathematics. I studied mathematics at PMF for one y...

Anja K.
Anja K.
- Document verified
As a third-year student at the Faculty of Teacher Education in Zagreb, majoring in Early Childhood and Preschool Education, I have gained thorough knowledge and practical experi...

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